Monday, June 24, 2019

The influence of the european culture in management leadership style Research Paper

The influence of the european culture in management leaders style of european managers working in Asian countries focusing on - explore Paper ExampleThe approach used in leading and management therefore determines the outcome of the various decisions make. However, all these are influenced by factors such as the immediate as well as external environment, the structure of the organisation or institution, business culture and the relationships which exist between the management and the subordinates (Marcus et al, 2003). Management and leadership are inherently dependent on each other although leadership is a component of management and success in any decision made is influenced by the balance between the two elements (Hofstede, 1991). Management styles are influenced by the leadership styles employed in the running of business entities. There are quartette fundamental leadership styles although there are several others which are based on the particular management approaches used. The se include democratic, laissez faire, autocratic and participative leadership styles. Democratic, laissez faire and participative management leadership styles involve staff while autocratic style is purely based on the management making decisions for the business or company (Marcus et al, 2003). ... Asia in particular proposition India has been receptive to the European leadership styles compared to other parts of Asia and African countries. According to Ralston et al (1993), the increase in international affairs has led to the convergence and diversion debate where organizations take strategic positions in different ways. The authors point out that convergence thesis is where economic political orientation is the main driver of cultural value for example exposure to European business leads to the adoption of European culture. Thus culture is treated as something accidental that does not have any precedent planning for it to take place. On the other hand, Hosfede, (1980, 1991), A dler (2002) point out that a difference perspective recognizes a country and its cultural differences, they emphasize that culture plays a big role in influencing the way management is conducted. Ward et al (1999) and Ralston et al (1993), indicate that when two cultures meets and equally exchange ideas and values, that is cross divergence, this type of divergence recognizes the importance of national culture and economic ideology and the synergy between the two when an individual incorporates both national culture and economic ideology influences synergistically to go a unique value system that is different from the value set supported by either national culture or economic ideology (Ralston et al, 1997 183). According to the Centre fro Comparative Management Studies (2011) the relationship between culture and leadership styles and agrees with the notion that culture has a small but significant intrusion on the leadership styles of an individual , other factors that affect an in dividuals leadership styles are the

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