Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Comprehensive Study Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Comprehensive Study Project - Essay Example Consequently, a wealth of literature exists on the benefits and risks of improving sustainability, and the decisive responsibility of facilities management to influence balance between ecological preservation, social equity and contributing positively to the economy. But because facilities management is an expansive interrelation of phases from construction into dilapidation, opportunities of sustainability are plenty. Benefits of sustainable facilities management present in reduced water consumption, energy use and fewer emissions that contribute to climate change. Optimization of resource consumption and increased value opens the plethora of social, ecological, and financial benefits. The application of sustainability in buildings enhances in value by 8-10 times the operational savings as presented in the journals of Cooper (2002), : A management tool for occupant fit out "comprises of core components to define the aims and objectives for the research paper of Technology, Engineering and the Environment. The terms of reference for analyzing the relationship between Sustainability and Facilities management for Occupant fit out: This research focuses on critical success factors and its effectiveness on the facilities management of the organizations. Deductive approach assists in designing the research framework based on literature review and existing theory to derive a conclusion. TThe research design enables researchers to find solutions to research problems through passing the various phases of research - collecting, analysing and interpreting observations (Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996). The research design needs to address data collection process. The correct understanding of the research problem is necessary for finding the required solutions (Ghauri, Grnhaug and Kristianslund, 1995). Research can follow the three approaches from exploratory, descriptive and causal methods. Exploratory research explores the boundaries of the environment with respect to the problems, opportunities or situations of concern for identifying related and relevant variables to the research project (Talaq, 2004). Descriptive research also provides a correct and valid representation of the selected variables from exploratory research. Causal research approach is instrumental in establishing causal link between these variables (Talaq, 2004). For the purpose of

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